Saturday, June 13, 2009

Press Release of the Future

This is a visioning technique that involves projecting what the press might be saying about you or your organization if you are successful in accomplishing your mission, goals, or objectives.

One example of how this technique was used successfully was in educating and exciting an entire workforce about a company's vision and mission statements. A "contest" was set up in which employees were to write a fictitious press release five years into the future with the assumption that the company's vision had been achieved. Not only did this get everyone to learn the vision and mission, but the employees actually applied that learning to a visualized future state. That's the first step to real organizational change.

To ensure thoroughness of thought,be sure that the basic journalistic questions of who, what, when, where, why, and how are answered. In this case, the most important question is the how, because this will help define the tangible actions that will need to be taken to realize the company's vision and mission. A follow-on activity is to have a panel of judges made up of a cross section of employees select the best entries in a variety of categories, such as most creative, most motivating, most competitive,etc.

Then publish your own newspaper with all the press releases in it and ask for people's reactions, as well as how they plan to put their words into action. This also reduces resistance to change because the future is now desirable, definable, and determined by those who have to make it happen.

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